Tuesday 12 May 2015

The 5 Ugliest Feminists In America

Of course 98% of feminists are ugly, this post is simply to highlight the most prominent ones among them. enjoy.

1. Jessica Vallenti

Jessica is known to be one of the first people to infect the internet with feminism. Believe it or not, she's actually married. Of course her 'husband' is a white knighting mangina so no surprises there. She owns feministing.com where she blogs about how much she hates men and how all women are victims.

2. Amanda Marcotte

This 37 year old virgin hates men for not wanting to have sex with her, and who can blame them? look at that jaw. If any of you guys would like to do the male population a favor, just go out with her on our behalf.

3. Lindy West

She's a self proclaimed fat activist and believes men who have standards are oppressing fat women(her). She works at jezebel and usually writes about how obesity is healthy and how bones are for dogs and meat is for men.

4. Sandra Fluke

This one is Obama's shield to look like someone who cares about women. She believes tax payers should pay for her contraceptives and thinks feminists should be paid for fighting for equality(I'm not joking). She actually thinks hating men is a profession.

5. Hanna Rosin

She's probably the most annoying person on this list. She believes that any man who is accused of rape should be treated as guilty until proven innocent(an actual quote from her). Can be seen on television trying way too hard to sound smart and using buzzwords like "rape culture" "patriarchy" and "victim blaming"

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