Sunday 3 May 2015

Earn Money Online From Adfly

Hey guys, I'm this post I'm going to show you a legitimate and great way of earning some quick cash. The site in question is refered to as adfly and it is no different from any other link shrinking site like bitly or tinyurl except unlike the other two, adfly pays you money every time someone clicks on one of your links.

Its very easy and simply and you'll be earning money in less than 5 minutes, just follow the steps below.


Register here

Fill out all your details and click on join. A confirmation code will be send to your email address, just click on it and your account will get registered instantly.


Shrink your links. Just paste any links you want to shrink in the spaces provided and click on "shrink"
you'll see that a shorter link will appear. You will get paid anytime someone clicks on that link.


Spread you links. You can post your links on facebook, twitter, instagram, image boards and basically everywhere and you will get paid anytime someone clicks on one of your links.

If you have a website, or youtube channel, just make sure you shrink all your links will adfly and you'll earn more

Adfly has a very high payment rate and you can earn a lot in just a few days however adfly only pays at the end of every month. You can choose from several payment methods like paypal, payoneer, payza, bank account, etc.

Below is the payment I received this month, I made $454 in just three weeks and i wasn't even trying. If you have ways of getting people to click on your links, you'll make way more than that. You can register here 

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking into making money from your visitors with popunder ads, you should try one of the biggest companies - Propeller Ads.


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